منتديات اليسير للمكتبات وتقنية المعلومات » منتديات اليسير العامة » المنتدى الــعــام للمكتبات والمعلومات » ارجوا منكم افادتي حول كيفية تأسيس مكتبة من البداية الى النهاية او قريب من هذا الموضوع

المنتدى الــعــام للمكتبات والمعلومات هذا المنتدى يهتم بالمكتبات ومراكز المعلومات والتقنيات التابعة لها وجميع ما يخص المكتبات بشكل عام.

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أدوات الموضوع التقييم: تقييم الموضوع: 2 تصويتات, المعدل 2.00. انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم Aug-02-2008, 04:38 PM   المشاركة1

صقر مكة
مكتبي جديد

صقر مكة غير متواجد حالياً
العضوية: 9388
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2005
الدولة: ماليزيا
المشاركات: 17
بمعدل : 0.00 يومياً

افتراضي ارجوا منكم افادتي حول كيفية تأسيس مكتبة من البداية الى النهاية او قريب من هذا الموضوع

ارجوا افادتي بكيفية تأسيس مكتبة مهيبرة او الكترونية
من البداية من حيث وضع الخطة الى النهاية
واذا كانت باللغه الانجليزيةافضل

لا للإرهاب الامن مسؤلية الجميع
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قديم Aug-02-2008, 07:46 PM   المشاركة2

Sara Qeshta
مكتبات ومعلومات جامعة المنصورة

Sara Qeshta غير متواجد حالياً
العضوية: 36111
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2007
الدولة: مصـــر
المشاركات: 485
بمعدل : 0.08 يومياً

ابتسامة Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Date of Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Old Library
Established the ancient library at the hands of the successors of Alexander the Great for more than two thousand years to include the largest group of books in the ancient world, which reached the time to 700 thousand volumes, including the work of Homer and Aristotle library. It also examined each of Euclid and Arschmids Airatotheos addition to the first account of the Qatar ground.

The Library was established by decision of Ptolemy I 'Soutar' first Ptolemies kings who rule Egypt after the disaster and the death of Alexander, the real founder of the library and the man credited with its renaissance and prosperity, he Ptolemy II 'Veladlphus' who ruled Egypt term of nine to thirty years from 285 to 246 BC. , Which has established its own scientists and brought them from Greek world, and provided them with language 'books' from various sources, and became the model adopted by the libraries of the world an example of the Mediterranean would follow suit, hence the Library of Alexandria starting point towards a democratic science, and facilitation for lovers of knowledge.

Library was not just a warehouse at its inception to compile books, but was based on two, the first 'Almiosiov' any museum, where scientists and specialists in all the arts, and second, 'library', which includes sheets books to be under the eyes of scientists all the time, and it seems they were Spread over two places, the largest nearby Miosion, smaller crossing in 'Sarabium'. The tailings can see when Sawary column.

It seems that Ptolemy II had a high degree of knowledge and love of culture, whose Mission is to collect books from everywhere, so there is all the tributaries of the library science, so the total annexation of approximately 750 thousand rolls. He heritage conservation literati bone Greece, Athens sent to the Government requesting the original texts, the plays' Astjelos will Klais and Iorbeos', and subject to the payment of Greece dearly financially, and when the time has come to restore lost the bet, because he sent copies of the code rather than handwriting is beautiful.

Thanks to this king Potolemaic in translating the Torah five trips to the Greek language, it was sent to ink the largest in Jerusalem with gifts of value in return for the original copy of the biblical accompanied Besbain toner ink from the Jews, who came to Alexandria is the translation of the Torah to make science accessible to the foreign world Pioneers Library Greek language, which is the official language at that time.

The Bibliotheca Alexandrina derives its high, not only from books brought by Jalal or translation, but the prestige and attract scientists who created them decent accommodation for leave to the affairs of science and research, and fill the post of senior scientists and librarians, including 'Znodots' developed with scientists language The foundations of science literature with careful editing and criticism of the classic, the first Greek places of the world died of a revised written 'Equivalence' and 'Alaudsa' greatest legacy of the Greeks, and his successor in the presidency of the Library 'Abollodnos' Alexandria, is the author of the epic called' campaign Alargeonite 'which is still read even Now, although it was appropriate to taste the old systems in the custody of the poet song 'Kalimacos' index, which the renowned Alexandria library books according to the Department of themes and their authors and Kalimajos considered the father of library science Library science.

The Secretary-third of the library is able geographical renowned 'Aratostinos' who proved that the Earth is spherical, according to the vicinity of the ground carefully amazing, also spoke about the possibility of sailing around the world, before 1700 the year of Columbus's famous trip. , And his successor 'Aristovanis' Byzantine and had a reputation among scholars as the publisher was classical poetry and writings of philosophers who have already Plato.

Thanks to these scientists and many others in the mapping of outer space and the sky surrounding it, organize calendar, and establish rules of science and push the boundaries of our knowledge the worlds were not known before. They also opened the prospects for the world's cultures, and established a genuine dialogue between different civilizations and became Alexandria for more than six centuries a symbol of the height of science and learning.

The ancient library consisted of three buildings:
• museum in the original Royal Quarter of the city.
• additional building was generally used for storing books, as if this building is located at the port.
• "Library daughter" and was located in the Serapeum, the site of the Temple of Serapis, a religious worship in Alexandria. The Serapeum located in the south-western part of the city, known for popular snakes.

BA gradually disappeared and suffered from the slow collapse from the era of 'Julius Caesar' and Cleopatra, where burned the library in mysterious circumstances in 48 BC. M during the occupation of 'Julius Caesar' who sent warships in 48 BC to destroy the State of Ptolemies ships stationed nearby harbour. Some believe that these ships had shelled the neighborhood royal city by mistake.

But Marc Antonio rated Cleopatra bicentennial thousand rolls that were located in his office on the back burner as compensation for the heavy losses caused by the fire. But following the violent disturbances that occurred within the Roman Empire led to the gradual neglect and then of mass destruction to the library.

Christianity came to Africa through Alexandria by St. Mark in the first century AD, followed by the biggest campaign of persecution of Christians at the hands of Romanians in the first three centuries AD. The Roman armies several times to Alexandria in an attempt to restore security and order in the years between 200 and 300 AD.

During one of these campaigns have been destroyed the bulk of the neighborhood and Royal Building Musema. Halt the persecution of Christians upon entering Constantine largest in Christianity, but the divisions within the church erupted. The differences become more acute, forcing the fathers of the Church of St. Clement tolerant times to leave the city in 391 AD, the Emperor Theodecios issued a decree preventing any religions other than Christianity, the Christian groups under the leadership of Bishop Theophilus Serapeum burned in the same year. The largest dissolved catastrophe Bibliotheca Alexandria where they are as close to the general culture.

As such, in 400 AD The Library has ceased to exist, and after a few years ceased era scientists Alexandrien. This means that the library before they disappeared more than two centuries before the arrival of Arab Muslim armies in 641 AD.

In spite of the offset, the memory of the old library alive and continued to inspire scientists and intellectuals all over the world. As the dream of rebuilding the great library of Alexandria IS COURTING MUSLIM imagination of many of them ...

Revival of the Alexandria Library
Are new Bibliotheca Alexandrina on the same site left by the ancient library in commemoration of the month in the history of the library
The idea of reviving the library era in the late eighties when the invitation of UNESCO's contribution in reviving the library and immediately established Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's Public Authority for the Alexandria Library has been an international competition to design the library awarded first prize for the company Snohetta of architectural designs, based in Oslo, Norway, and includes the design of four new library Levels below ground and six upper floors from the highest point of the steep roof ring, and has established near the celestial dome and a scientific museum.

The al-Tuffah area ten-story library, located at the bottom of all underground water, body building dive down the ground to protect the precious contents of factors external environment, and reading rooms are open are many salient feature of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, with the reading of Section 2500 lead to seven galleries have been stored Books bottom of this balconies to facilitate access.
The library has taken action a long period where archaeological research begun in 1992 could not identify any effects on the ancient library. In May 1995 began construction of the wall neighbor of the library and the library was opened in October 2002 has taken new Bibliotheca Alexandrina on the responsibility to devote all their efforts to revive the old spirit of the original library. In doing so, the library strives to be:

Egypt's window on the world
Leading institution in the new digital age
A centre of learning and dissemination of the values of tolerance, dialogue and understanding

الحياة كلها سفر .. إما قصير .. إما طويل .. ما أعظم السفر القصير
إذا كان في سبيل تحصيل العلم .. لأنه سيكون الزاد عن السفر الطويل .. للدار الآخرة ..
  رد مع اقتباس
قديم Aug-02-2008, 07:49 PM   المشاركة3

Sara Qeshta
مكتبات ومعلومات جامعة المنصورة

Sara Qeshta غير متواجد حالياً
العضوية: 36111
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2007
الدولة: مصـــر
المشاركات: 485
بمعدل : 0.08 يومياً

ابتسامة Library of Alexandria in five years

Library of Alexandria in five years

The project to rebuild the Alexandria Library of the largest projects in the new millennium.
The library opened since the establishment of seven specialized research centers, opening a number of museums, and the addition of tens of thousands of books, whether through the supply plan and direct acquisition or through private gifting, in addition to organizing many activities and cultural events, scientific and educational local, regional and international levels.

And tracking the BA strategy objective, which complement and support activities for each unit activities related to other units in an integrated and harmonious has developed a strategy to achieve four main objectives of this institution as follows, which can library to become: the world's window on Egypt, and Egypt's window on the world, The leading institution in the new digital age, and a center of learning and dissemination of the values of tolerance, dialogue and understanding between peoples and cultures.

Library joined the World Federation of Library Federation, which includes a library of 30 major world libraries topped Library of Congress has not joined the Union over the past ten years only Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Alexandria Library contains time opening in October 2002 on a series of books and reached 200,000 in the coming five years was revised groups and increased, as has been the creation of a special group of multimedia for children and young people, and was created Web resources where we can count more than 25,000 online magazine and about 20,000 E-book.

BA set up the first digital library tracking systems in modern technological knowledge dissemination, where BA harness their energies and capacities to achieve global leadership in the digital area through a number of digital and technological projects, seeking in this regard to the establishment of several companies with cultural institutions And their counterparts from major libraries around the world, where aspiring through to achieve the dream of knowledge available to all, where each could have a link to the Internet and computer access to books and reading mothers and assets of human knowledge, and complementary roles of a number of specialized centres Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the numbering several projects for the conservation and heritage, and dissemination of available knowledge, and play the International Institute for Studies of informatics ISIS pivotal role in the implementation and the development of these projects.

Global Digital Library Project

Bibliotheca Alexandrina jointly with the U.S. Library of Congress largest global electronic library, under the project carries the name (World Digital Library) www.worddigitallibray.org, which is based on digitization of rare and unique materials, including the following: manuscripts, maps , Rare books, composed music, sound recordings, films, literature, photographs, drawings and engineering libraries and cultural institutions from around the world, and work to make these materials free of charge The International Network of information (the Internet) through the portal is a huge global digital library, this project aims to support the global development and international understanding across different cultures, and enrich the international network of information and material content and cultural contribution to support research Academic and scientific, and this project seeks to develop the capacity digitisation office in the developing world so that all nations to participate and represent themselves in the global digital library, the project includes international partners including UNESCO, the International Federation of Library Associations ( IFLA) in addition to a number of major libraries in the continents of Asia, Europe, Africa and North and South America.

Draft million book

BA is working through a million books, in collaboration with its partners from China, India and the United States of America to research the book digitization million over three years, and made available via the Internet site, is expected to take the Alexandria Library at the forefront in this area , Through its survey and digitization of 75,000 books in Arabic during the three years, since the month of October 2003 by specialists through the use of five units scan, No. 10500 book, as the composition The data base includes details of these books, this project aspires to a long-term conversion of all books published books to digital, which represents a partnership between BA and many international institutions, to allow the creativity of human thought for the millions of people in the world sustainably .

BA also launched in collaboration with the Development Gateway Foundation in Washington, in the first week of March 2007, the digital version of the Arab Development Gateway, a portal on comprehensive and sustainable development. In this framework provides the Arabic version For the Development Gateway web site with specific mechanisms, frameworks and innovative art which aims to increase the effectiveness of national efforts for comprehensive and sustainable development, as put forward ideas about the scientific underpinnings and effective to build local capacity and facilitate the combination of national partners to further positive change In the common areas.

الحياة كلها سفر .. إما قصير .. إما طويل .. ما أعظم السفر القصير
إذا كان في سبيل تحصيل العلم .. لأنه سيكون الزاد عن السفر الطويل .. للدار الآخرة ..
  رد مع اقتباس
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فهرس آلي للمكتبات على الانترنيت السايح المنتدى الــعــام للمكتبات والمعلومات 3 Aug-06-2016 06:16 AM
المكتبات في مدينة القدس السايح منتدى مراكز مصادر التعلم والمكتبات المدرسية 7 Oct-28-2008 05:41 PM
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